Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My tombstone

                The blog topic for this time is what I want written on my tombstone when I die. I never thought about dying before so I also never really thought about what I would want on my tombstone. Another name for this is epitaph: something that someone writes or has written on their tombstone after they die in memory of them. Obviously I want something cool so that when people read it they will be like “wow that’s cool, and so philosophical. This must have been a great and smart man that lived a good life.” I do know that I want my tombstone if possible to be made of something cool, not just stone. Maybe granite, or marble, or if I was right a gold frame… but a silver frame would be alright too. If I was really rich, embed diamonds or rubies or other gems in there so I would look pretty cool.
                On my tombstone, I want a quote from me, but one that’s really interesting and is philosophical and smart. Some perfect quote that represents my entire life, like one of those famous quotes. Something philosophical and smart and meaningful, but also something humorous. I want something like “*insert impressive quote here*” – William F.
                If not a quote and I had a huge tombstone, I would want something funny to be on there. I want something funny but also interesting. I would want someone to use tiny font and write a long story about and interesting event in my life. It would it font so tiny that people can barely read it, but if focused can read it. It should be a story of my childhood or something about when I was growing up. Something interesting like a cool or funny story that happened to me and nothing too serious because I don’t want to be remembered as a just a serious strict person that never had any fun. I want to be remembered as someone that was serious and smart, but also had problems and fun. For now, that’s all I can think of that I would want on my tombstone, just name date of birth – date of death, and age, and if it was possible to engrave a picture of myself onto the tombstone that would be nice. It would be weird but funny and interesting at the same time, which is exactly how I want to remembered. A large picture of myself engraved into the stone, and a speech bubble around one of my interesting philosophical quotes within the bubble. It would be interesting, philosophical, meaningful, smart, and as well as funny. Other than that, I have no more ideas about what I want on it. I’m out of ideas.

                For the last 50 words I have no idea what to write about. This blog topic is actually really hard to write about because I don’t know what I want on my tombstone. I also never really think about my death or anything like this. I don’t like to think of my death or deaths in general. So now, my blog is long enough… finally I’m done with this topic and can move onto the next topic which is going to be more interesting. Be sure to follow and read the next one!

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