Sunday, October 6, 2013


                This blog topic is about beauty. I have my own interpretation of beauty but that may be different from each and everyone’s own definition. The Merriam Webster definition of beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses of pleasurably exalts the mind of spirit.  The dictionary’s definition of beautiful is “generally pleasing.” The widely known definition of beauty is the physical aspect of beauty. Most dictionaries don’t define beauty or being beautiful as a person, as in being a good person. My definition of beauty is someone that is beautiful. To me, a person can be beautiful but look like a deformed animal. They might be ugly and look really bad with scars and uneven eyes or something, but they could be the nicest person ever and completely unselfish, only caring about other people. That would make them beautiful on the inside, but still extremely ugly and unattractive on the outside, but nonetheless beautiful. The next type of beauty is just outer beauty. This person would be attractive, handsome or pretty, nice features, pleasing to look at, nice body features, and look great but would act like a really mean person. This type of beautiful person would not care about others, be completely selfish, hate everyone or think they are better than everyone. This type of beauty is the bad type, or not really bad, just not as important as the other type of beauty in my opinion. Id rather be good friends with someone who was ugly and unattractive on the outside but a really nice person and beautiful on the inside, than someone who was only beautiful on the outside and extremely ugly and unattractive in the inside. This type of person would please my eyes, but not my mind. They would annoy me so much I wouldn’t be able to stand them. I would just tell them to go away even though theyre attractive, I can’t stand people like that.

                The best combination however is of course both beautiful on the outside, and beautiful on the inside. I wish there were more people like this. This is extremely rare to find and you only find people like this if you are lucky. I believe that nobody is perfect so nobody is both beautiful entirely on the inside and on the inside. One of the two is very common but both is rare. Not having both though is not very rare though, which is sad. I have seen people who are ugly and unattractive as well as mean, cruel and an annoying person. These people are the most annoying and I really can’t stand them. If they cant say anything nice and just say bad things then atleast give me a pretty face or something attractive to look at so I can be distracted from their annoying voice and annoying comments. Or I can deal with someone who is ugly and unattractive as long as they have nice things to say and they are a nice person. Those people are good and I wish there were more people like this rather than attractive on the outside and ugly on the inside. Being beautiful on the inside is more important than being beautiful on the outside, in my opinion. Ofcourse, being the best of both is the best possible outcome, but finding a person like that would be near impossible, so usually one of the two is good enough. Someone is beautiful if they have inner and outer beauty. Very rarely will one find fully beautiful people, but partially beautiful people are pretty common.

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