Monday, October 28, 2013

Big School or Small School?

The topic of this blog is whether or not I prefer big large schools, or tiny small schools. I can see why some people prefer big schools and why some people prefer small schools. For me though, It depends on whether it is college or high school.
Some reasons people would like a smaller school would be that the teacher and student ratio would be better by far and the student could get more attention from the teacher and ask for help and get personal attention. It would probably help the student out a lot since they could have a more friendly relationship with their teacher and ask questions about academic things as well as having the teacher be able to act as a counselor adult figure to help them through situations. The biggest thing about small schools is that there are more teachers for less students, so the learning and education is more personal and usually makes it easier for the students. Also, if you have a really bad sense of direction, a small school would be ideal so you don’t get lost. This isn’t really a big deal for most people but for a select few, that would be a big factor. Another thing is classmates. If you go to a small school you will probably have a group of friends that you will see every day because of the limited number of people you can be in contact at within the school. You will all grow together and become close. The problem with this though is that some people might not like each other, yet have to be in close proximity and have to deal with and tolerate their presence every single day in class. Also there aren’t as many diverse people so for people with different hobbies there would be less people with those hobbies.

Some advantages for a bigger school would be that there are more people to become friends with, connections would be easier to make. The student and teacher ratio would be a lot less, but some people might like that distance from their teacher so that they could possibly skip classes without anyone knowing. Big schools also have much more potential because so many people go there that people with specific skills, such as basketball for example would get together and make a team. The best basketball players from a big school with a selection of 1000 students would most likely be better than a team from a small school with a selection of 50 students. There are more likely to be skilled and extremely good players in the group of 1000 students. Also there will be more people with the same interest such as chess, or drama so that they can have a club and all get together for their same interests. In a small school, there wouldn’t be enough people that like chess or drama enough to be able to put together a group for that.

In my personal opinion though, I would want a smaller school for high school so that I can focus and do well academically and make close friends, but once I get to college, I want a big college so that I can do my schoolwork and meet a large diversity of new people. I would be able to join in the clubs im interested in such as volleyball of swimming and If I don’t wake up and miss class, my professor wont even know because he probably doesn’t even know my name! It’s the perfect scenario for me.

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