Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Seven Sins

                                The topic for this blog is of the seven deadly sins, which I think I’m the guiltiest of. I don’t know the seven sins so I had to look them up. Apparently, the seven deadly sins are: greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, wrath, and pride. I think that if I were to be guiltiest of one of these, it would probably be either sloth or greed. I know that I’m a lazy person, and that’s what sloth is.
                It is hard to get me motivated to do something that I don’t want to do. I know that I’m extremely lazy and try to take shortcuts whenever I can. I know that it is the worst when someone asks me to do something for them, especially my parents. They often asked me to go fetch something for them upstairs. I am lying down comfortably on the couch or sitting at my computer all relaxed and I have trouble getting up. Then I am so lazy that I get annoyed that someone is telling me to get out of this comfortable position to do something that’s not even for me. That’s the worst part. I’m not a coach potato or such. I’m not the type to stay indoors all day. I like the outdoors, sports, and all that but I just don’t like doing stuff that doesn’t interest me, such as getting something for my parents, or doing my homework, or cleaning up.
                I know I’m a sloth but it doesn’t affect my lifestyle a lot. I am lazy but not to an extreme that I will never get anything done. I know my priorities and even though I hate doing something I still do it if I feel like it has to be done. I don’t know if this is part of the sin of being a sloth, but laziness leads to procrastination, and I procrastinate a lot. I always put things off until last minute, the day before homework is due, the day before a birthday to get presents, the minute before practice to get changed, the night before to finish the research paper that has been assigned for the semester. It has gotten me into bad situations being late and losing sleep in order to finish homework, but it has never gotten so bad that it really affected me in a significant way. But once again, there are certain things I know I can’t be lazy with or put off. I have my priorities. I am lazy, but not clueless. Well, clueless sometimes.
                Then next sin I think I would be guilty of more is greed. It’s not that I don’t like to share and keep everything for myself or put my priorities first, it’s just that when I see something cool someone else has, I want it. I don’t think I’m really particularly greedy because I expect most people to do what I do when they see something they think is cool: be jealous and want it! Now even though I want something someone else has, I don’t steal or anything of the sort, I have morals. Greed just seems so natural to me, like it is something everyone is born with.

                Well, those are the two sins I think I’m guiltiest of, more sloth than greed. Neither of these sins take a large part of my life, they aren’t even close to extreme, but they still seem to be part of my life and I can’t avoid it or change it. It’s just who I am. If I could change though, I would want to get rid of my laziness and procrastination. It has got me into bad situations and is horrible to deal with when I’m comfy watching T.V. or have a big assignment due the next day.

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