Monday, August 12, 2013

About Me

About Me

My name is William Fong. I am fifteen years old. I am Chinese, but born in Guam and raised in Saipan. I am from Hong Kong. I am finally a junior. I know this year is going to be hard because I have two AP courses and also the SAT test this year. What I’m most excited about this year is finally being able to get my driver’s license.
I’m actually a very lazy person and do as little as possible to get by. I know I need to change that but it’s had to do that. I like to read sometimes, but not boring non-fiction history books. I’d read fiction books with a story and a good plot, even though those books apparently have very little educational value. I like a lot of different types of movies from comedies, action, adventure, and mystery. I also occasionally watch horror movies.
Some sports I play are basketball, soccer, volleyball, and running for cross country and track and field. I started playing soccer in the 1st grade, ten years ago. I don’t play for competition or on the league anymore because of my knees, but I still play for fun occasionally. I’ve played volleyball for 5 years now, and I plan to keep playing for a long time. Volleyball is one of my favorite sports to play. Some other things I like to do are swim, kayak, go fishing, hiking, and rock climbing. Saipan is a tiny island surrounded by water, so I utilize it and I love water sports, especially kayaking. Other than all the water, there are also a few pretty good hiking trails on Saipan so I do that too. I like camping too. I enjoy most outdoor activities.. when I’m not lazy.
I listen to a wide variety of music from hip-hop, rap, to classical for studying music. I don’t listen to country or jazz music though. I can only play one instrument and that’s the ukulele. I can also play one or two songs on the guitar. I learned piano when I was younger, but I stopped and it was too hard for me… and I was lazy too of course.
I don’t have any specific shows I like to watch on TV, because I don’t watch TV very often! It’s not that I don’t like watching TV, it’s just I spend more time on my computer.
I like to try new things, but is also cautious about them. If I had the chance to go skydiving or bungee jumping, I would! I would be way too excited. I would be so excited that I wouldn’t even know I’m scared until I get up on the helicopter or stand on the edge of the bridge. I’d want to try all of these things even though I am scared of heights.
Something I really want right now is a pet. I want a little puppy or a tiny kitten to take care of, or even a hamster. I really like puppies but it would be too much responsibility and my parents don’t really want a pet around the house they have to clean up after.
I am easily inspired, but give up along the way to most things. An example is if I see something really cool on the internet, like someone playing a guitar extremely well and making amazing sounds, I would want to try to learn how. Obviously I can’t just look at it and expect myself to know how to do it, but I try, then soon after give up.

Well that’s a little about me and my personality! - WILL 

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