Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Using Knowledge


Asking For Help

Today’s prompt is “Is it better to use your own knowledge and experience to solve your problems rather than asking someone for help and advice?” In my opinion, it is not better. There are pros and cons to both sides, but I think asking for help is probably better. It’s good to know how to solve your own problems because there might not always be someone there for you. You have to know how to be independent and deal with it yourself, but if you can, asking someone for help is better.
                No matter how much you think you know or have experienced, there will always be a lot of stuff that you don’t know and other people can help you with. Even if you do have so much more knowledge, experience, and know-how, and be much smarter than another person, they probably still know things that you don’t. They can share those experiences and intelligence with you and you’ll get even smarter, learning new things as you solve your mission.
                There are so many examples of this in everyday life. To me the first example I think of is asking teachers for help. Apparently in many Asian countries it is considered wrong, and that one is dumb and not smart enough to figure it out on their own. They think it’s better to get on and solve your own problems. Do it yourself. In America however it is different. People are encouraged to ask for help from teachers, and it doesn’t mean they are dumber or smarter. I myself am an Asian, but was born and raised in America. This is probably why I agree more with the American idea of asking for help rather than the idea of not asking for help because it makes us look less intelligent.
                I understand why certain Asian countries think that one should do stuff on their own rather than ask for help. It simply promotes the idea of being independent and not always needing help from other people. Doing it yourself and getting over your problems proves that you don’t need others. It makes one look smart and able. I also understand why America promotes asking for help rather than keeping it to oneself. To me it’s more efficient. It makes more sense to me, even though both arguments do. People can share experiences, knowledge, and everything so that another person doesn’t have to gain the experience themselves. Like, if one person falls into a big puddle in the middle of a parking lot, they should let the next person who is walking across the parking lot know there is a big puddle. That way the next person wouldn’t have to fall in to know.
                Those are the pros and cons of each side, and though I stated which way I think is better, everyone has their own opinion.

 I’m basically done writing, and I don’t know what else to say. This is a 600 word blog, and this topic is not very interesting. If only we could write about our own topic, this would be a lot easier. It’s always much easier to write about something we like, and would feel less like an assignment. 

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