Thursday, August 29, 2013

Iron Man

        I don't really have a specific favorite super hero, but I had to choose one that I really like the most it would probably be Iron Man. I'm not really sure what the difference between a hero and super hero is so Iron Man could just be a hero, not a super hero. I do not read comics or are a vivid fan of cartoons and super hero stuff but I have watched the movies Iron Man one two and three. They were interesting and I enjoyed the notably more than some of Marvel or DC's other hero theme based movies. It seems much more realistic and possible to me rather than a Captain America, or Wolverine, and definitely much more realistic than Superman and Batman. I mean i enjoyed watching those movies too, but they were not as interesting as Iron Man was. It was a good series, but I think they stopped making movies after the third one, which I just watched this year.
        Iron is based on an extremely smart man who has a hobby of building things. He creates a weapon, but not the type that you shoot or fire at enemies, but a suit. This suit starts out large, heavy and not so good, but as time passes the suit armor is improved majorly from colors, being more lightweight, having new abilities, new weapons, and some other things. In every movie, there's something happening that he has to overcome like fight a boss or something. He has become a super hero by using the suit and also extremely wealthy. Iron Man, also known as the man in the suit, Tony Stark, is young and has a mansion. He is what everyone wants to be, rich and young... and of course have such cool armor and a technologically advanced house. He even has a butler that is named Jarvis that's electronic and basically integrated into his house and all of his Iron Man suits.
       There are three Iron Man movies, based directly on him. Iron man one, two, and three. My favorite movie of Iron Man though is neither of those three, it is called the Avengers. This is when all the Marvel created super heroes get together to save the planet. Some of those heroes include: The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, and of course Iron Man. It was a great movie, definitely worth watching. Tony Stark has a sense of humor even in tough situations. At the end of the movie "Avengers" he flies out of a black hole risking his life and makes it back barely alive, then gets up and acts like nothing happened.
        Tony Stark obviously has no real powers except that he is really smart, a quick thinker, extremely rich, and kind of physically fit. All of his cool powers come from his suit, which has guns, can fly, go underwater, lasers, a navigation system, a phone, and anything else you might need. He is almost useless without his suit, but he is still a hero outside of his suit, and everyone knows.
       Even though I'm not particularly into super hero kind of stuff, I still found the series of Iron Man to be fairly interesting. It was well written ,and whoever the creator of Iron Man was, he was a brilliant man. A great idea, great plot, and just cool in general. The group that produced Iron Man though, is called Marvel. They write comic books and made movies out of certain ones that were more popular. All of the Avenger heroes are from Marvel : Hulk, hawkeye, Captain America, e.t.c.

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