Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cell Phone Usage

This prompt is whether or not schools should allow the use of cell phones during school. I personally think that schools shouldn’t allow cell phone usage during class and class-like events, but during breaks, lunch period, and times where we have free time we should be allowed to use our phones.
                I wrote an article about this topic for the school newspaper back a few weeks ago. It is as follows :
The topic of cell phone usage in school is controversial. A survey was given to twelve students as well as two Saipan International School. The survey question was, “Do you think that cell phone usage should be allowed during breaks and in between classes during school hours? Why or why not?”
                As expected, most of the students said that we should allow the usage of cell phones. Out of the twelve student survey results, ten said yes, while only two said no. One student claimed that , “Yes, we should be allowed to use cell phones, because it would not be during class time and using it for a short period of time would not interrupt anything.” Another point that came up repeatedly was that if there was an emergency or such, the convenience of being able to use a cell phone would come in handy. One of the students said that we should not be able to use cell phones because, “The people who don’t have a cell phone would feel sad, when they see someone using cell phone front of them.”
                Of the two teachers that were asked to fill out the survey, one explained why we should not be allowed to, and one claimed that we should be allowed to. One teacher stated, “ No. Then people concentrate on that and social interaction suffers.” This teacher goes on to explain that if one needs to use their cell phone for a legitimate reason, they will be allowed to. The teacher that said we should allow usage explained that, “Students have a very active social life. Not letting them do so deprives them of their right to interact through technology, even for such a short period of time.”
                From the data collected of twelve students and two teachers, most thought that we should allow cell phone usage during breaks and in between classes.”
                I really thought that all students would obviously say yes to allow cell phone usage, but some surprisingly said no. I also expected all teachers to say no to cell phone usage, but I was happily surprised that one out of two teachers I interviewed was for the idea of using cell phones. I understand both sides of this controversial topic, but I still am for the side of allowing cell phones during breaks. We don’t bother any of the teachers or interrupt class during such times since class isn’t even going on. We can also relax and make the most out of our break this way. Social interaction suffering was one of the points a teacher who was against cell phone usage said. I think that being able to use cell phones during breaks and lunch won’t change social interactions at all. If anything, it should improve social skills between people which will much easier be able to communicate with their friends around the world, or at another school.
                Cell phone usage, an extremely controversial topic has probably been an issue at every high school. Some schools allow it at any time, some schools allow it during breaks and lunch, and some schools are extremely strict and don’t allow it at all. I hope I have proved and convinced my school to let us use them during breaks at least.

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