Sunday, September 22, 2013


The topic for this blog is to if I could have any superpower, what it would be. If I could have a power, it would probably be either being able to go back or forward in time or to read peoples’ minds.
                Most people want to fly or to be invisible or whatever. It would be fun to me to have those powers, but to live life and what would really help me in everything would be to go back in time. I would never be scared to do anything because if I ever mess up doing anything like falling off a cliff or missing a shot in basketball or going to jail, I can always just rewind and go back to the time before I messed up. It would be a great advantage in so many ways. Having this would let me live the most of my life. I would wouldn’t be scared to go skydiving, or cliff jumping, or bungee jumping, or just to jump off a cliff into the ocean. Another advantage of having this power is that if I really enjoy a moment of my life, like a night or something, I could relive it over and over again. Then when I’m done, just go back to the present. I would want to go forward in time to skip boring events. For example, if I’m in class and the lecture is really boring and we aren’t actually learning anything, I would be able to skip an hour or two of my life to get past it and go back to having fun. Then since I don’t get anything I will probably fail my quiz or test, but then that’s fine too because then I can just go back in time and retake it until I pass. If I mess up and do something to piss of my parents, I can go back and redo that so I don’t piss them off. If I get into a car crash, I’ll just go back a minute and avoid the accident. If I’m really hungry and eat a nice piece of fried chicken and it tastes amazing, I can just go back in time to relive that moment over and over again. If I miss a point in a volleyball game, I can just go back two seconds and redo whatever I messed up. If I had the power to go back and forward in time, it would make my life so much easier, and so much more fun. I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. This power would apply to my everyday life and it would be used so much. Every little mistake I make, I would go back and redo it until I get it perfectly right. My life would literally be perfect, because every tiny mistake, I would go back and try again.
                Another superpower I would like is the ability to read people’s minds. This would be so helpful in just everything in general. I would be able to know what people think of me, be able to answer any question in class, know what people expect, and it would just be fun. This to me wouldn’t be as useful as going back and forward in time, but it would still be helpful and fun.
                So those are two superpowers that I wish I had. To me being able to go back and forward in time, is more important and useful than reading peoples’ minds. But either power is good enough for me. Even being able to fly, although won’t be as useful for me I would still be glad to have it.


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