Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bucket List

I don’t have a bucket list. I know what a bucket list is, but I never thought of to make one, or ever had the time to do such a thing. I know that there are certain things I want to do before I die, but never really specifically made a list.
                One thing I really want to do before I die, on my bucket list is go bungee jumping. I know this might sound very stereotypical, but I’ve always been excited by the idea of jumping off a high bridge into a vast ocean of rushing water. I want the feel of adrenaline rush through as I fall off a scary high thing like a bridge like the Golden Gate Bridge. It is going to be extremely scary, but even more for me since I am scared of heights. I don’t think I’ll be able to act brave all the way and just jump off the first time because I’m so afraid of heights. So there’s one thing I really want to do.
                Another thing I really want to do before I die is go skydiving. That’s another thing that might sound stereotypical, that everyone says they want to do, but this is really what I want to do. I’ve wanted to go skydiving for a long time. I know it’s scary, and once again I’m extremely scared of heights, especially so much higher than even a bridge… on a helicopter way above everything. Jumping out of that would really scare me, and once again I’m not sure if I would have the courage to do that on my first try I know, but I want to do it just so I can say that I went skydiving. I am also a little paranoid about some thigns like what if the parachute doesn’t open, like it gets stuck, or if my parachute falls off, or if my harness comes loose or breaks. There are a lot of things that could go wrong, but still… I want to do this.
                The last thing on my 3-item bucket list is that I want to go camping in the wilderness alone for a few days. Im not exactly sure how many days, but around three to seven days would be nice. In a place where nobody goes to visit, secluded, and preferably near a stream or river. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors, hiking, camping, and such. I want to spend three days just gathering food, and setting up stuff on my own, recreationally hanging out, maybe go for a swim. This is one thing that usually isn’t on most people’s bucket list, but for me, I really want to do this. I’ve always loved the outdoors. I don’t mind mosquitoes or sleeping outdoors, or wild animals. One thing I don’t want though is weather that is too cold. I’ve lived in warm, hot weather here in Saipan my whole life, and I’m used to it. It can get annoying at times, but it’s a lot better than going camping in freezing cold weather where I’ll most likely get sick and freeze and be uncomfortable for the whole time. Being in warm weather, I can swim, and do whatever. When I sweat, just changed and wash my clothes. In cold weather, I’d have to pack coats and jackets and gloves and boots, and if my clothes get wet, I will probably freeze to death.

                These are three things that I want to do before I die, especially the camping idea. Hopefully I can get all of these done when I’m out of college or before so I can mark it off and be done with it quickly.

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