Tuesday, September 24, 2013


                The prompt for this blog is to define success. Success is defined as on Dictionary.com : “The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals”
This is basically what the universal definition of success is, and to me also. To me success is just completing or accomplishing something that you have set out to do. Finishing a goal in a way. One is successful when one has done something they said they would do. Success is not defined by what the person has done, as long as they did what they needed to do.
Of course there are different levels of success though, like if one person for example had to go through numerous hard and repeating obstacles but reached their goal and accomplished with a lot of hard work and effort, that person would be extremely successful. A person that might have set out on an easy goal, like not fail a class for this quarter will still be successful in achieving his goal, success nonetheless, but not as successful as the one who had worked so hard and had to overcome so many obstacles and problems to achieve it. This is in the same way people may be compared. This person is more successful than that person because he has a better job, or a nicer car, or a nicer house, or more money is something probably everyone has heard.
For some people, success is getting a lot of money, and an easy but high-paying job so that they canhave a relaxing and stress-free life. For some people success might be starting and being able to support a family as soon as possible. For some people, success might have lower standards such as just finishing high school. Some people might consider themselves successful when they finish college. Some people consider themselves successful as long as they aren’t dirt poor and living on the street. Some people consider themselves to be successful as long as they don’t live with their parents anymore and can support themselves. There are many different ways people can consider themselves successful depending on their viewpoints and priorities.
For me, success has different stages. Ultimate success would be having a good stable job, with at least mid level pay, and having my own house and stuff. However, I have set goals in between, and once I reach those goals, I will be successful, just successful for doing that goal, not ultimately successful. I will be successful when I graduate from 11th grade at SIS. I will be successful when I graduate from high school next year, hopefully. I will be successful if I get into the college I most want to go to. I will be successful when I complete all the courses and classes and become an undergraduate and get my degree. I will be successful when I get my job. I will be successful when I get promotions or higher ranking and thus get higher pay. Whatever improvements of my live, or major milestones of my life, I consider myself to be successful. Small successes in life though, not ultimate success. After all, the word succession means moving ahead, and pushing forward, so shouldn’t success mean reaching something and then keep on going and pushing forward to achieve more?

                So success is defined in many different ways, to different people. I explained my definition of success in the paragraph above. This is probably different from what many people define success is, because of so many different ideas and viewpoints. Success is Success!

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