Tuesday, November 5, 2013

True Friends

The blog topic for this time is what three qualities of a true friend are. Three qualities that a true friend should have. Everyone has friend, many friends, but only a few of them are really true friends. One thing to me that really makes a friend a true friend is their loyalty. They should be loyal to you and be your friend forever. I don’t mean being loyal to you as in serving you, but be loyal as in they will stick with you through hard times and good times. They should always be there for you no matter what happens. This is what loyalty is. This is probably one of the most important qualities of a true friend. This is hard to find in most people.
Another quality that a true friend must have is that they should be able to sacrifice some things and give up certain opportunities to help the other person when they need it. A true friend should be able to give up something that they may want so that the other person can benefit. A true friend should be able to help the other person by doing something that might benefit them even if they don’t want to. They should be considerate enough to not care about their own needs as much as their friend’s needs.
Another quality that a true friend should have is that they are caring as well as loving. They should be loving enough as though if this friend of theirs disappeared or went away they would be sad and hurt. If anything happened to them, they would feel just as bad as if it happened to them. If they got hurt in any way, the true friend should be there ready to help out in any way they can. If they fell off a bike or something and got a cut, they would laugh at them and make fun of them. This is only because it’s not a serious injury or anything that hurt them badly, just a scrape, or a cut, or a little bit of bleeding. If it was a serious injury or something serious that hurt their friend, like cancer hitting them, or getting hit by a car, or being in a car crash. Those are serious injuries and most likely life threatening. This is where a true friend comes in to help them through it and recover from whatever it is that happened.
The difference between a friend and a true friend is that a true friend can tell their friend bad stuff about them and not worry about hurting their feelings. They can say, you’re hairstyle is ugly and your sense of clothing is terrible and their crocs don’t make it any better. A friend might be able to say that but would offend the other person. A normal friend probably would not say something like that though because they aren’t close enough to the person and should be afraid of hurting their feelings or offending them. True friends know that they aren’t doing that to offend them or be mean, just telling them to make fun of them and have some fun.

Those are three qualities I think should be in a true friend and the difference between a true friend and just a friend. It's hard to leave and difficult to forget about a true friend that was always there for you. 

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