Sunday, November 24, 2013

moving or staying

The blog topic for this time is if living in one place better, or moving around from place to place. Obviously both sides of this topic has its advantages and disadvantages and is probably a really controversial topic. For me though, I would like to live and stay in one particular place rather than having to keep moving around from place to place.
                Some advantages of moving around from place to place would be hat if you mess up or have a bad reputation in one place, its fine because you will go away and not be with those people anyways. You will be at another place with another group of people. You can keep starting over whenever you make a mistake in your life, that, to me is probably the biggest advantage of moving from place to place. Another advantage would be being able to meet so much more new and diverse people and to learn about different people in different areas. People in the city may be much clumsier and rushed and stuff like that, while people in the suburban or rural areas would be more relaxed, chill, and have a slower, easier life. A person moving all around would get to visit all these places and experience those places and learn all different things and how people live in all those different places. They would also make more friends and know people all around incase they need something. It would be really convenient to have friends all around the world so if something happens, you can ask for help. It’s just like having connections. Someone in New York might be able to help you do something, or an easier example since I live on Saipan, is shipping. Most places don’t ship to Saipan as they probably never even heard of the place. So how do I get the things I order from amazon, or ebay, or wal mart over here to the tiny island? Simple. I ship it to California where my sister, or some friends live and have them pick it up to forward it over here. Or if they ship to Guam, just mail it there and have someone pass or bring it back to this island. It’s very convenient to have friends all around.
                Some advantages of staying in one place though would be that the group of friends you have, or the people you hang out with would stay with out and you all would be really close, rather than if you had to move around and keep meeting new people. These friends would be really close to you since you’ve lived with them for so long. This is the main advantage of not always moving around from place to place. This is also why I prefer to live in one place. It’s also easier because you don’t have to keep leaving the things or people you care about. Even if everything is going wrong, and you want to get away, it will still be hard to leave certain things, like people who you’ve come to know and care about especially, or people who have helped you out.

                Those are some advantages of either staying living in one place or to keep moving around from place to place. There are probably an equal amount of advantages and disadvantages for both, but I still prefer staying in one place, especially so I don’t have to leave things that I’ve come to know and love. I am sentimental and leaving things would be kind of hard. What I believe though, is probably really different from what other people think, as once again I say, this is a very controversial topic. 

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