Truth. This is the beginning of my next series. What I
believe about in truth, justice, beauty, meaning of life, and art. The first is
truth. Now… what do I believe about truth. Truth is one of the most important
things in a good person. It is alongside integrity and honesty. It is essential
to have the virtuous trait of honesty and being able to tell the truth in order
to be a well-respected, successful, person.
believe that everyone is born good and innocent and why they only learn to do
bad. They are born with the ability and want to tell the truth and to do the
right thing, but the world we live in is corrupt and as we grow, we learn bad
things, like lying and being dishonest, not telling the truth. That is why kids
are so much better, nicer, and more honest than older people and adults. Of
course there are adults howerever that know how to overcome the desire to lie
or do bad, and are just as truthful and honest as a good kid would be, but not
everyone is like that. There are exceptions for everything, just as this. Truth
is a crucial part in everyone’s life, especially from the people whome you love
and are close with. If someone is dishonest and lies to you, you can lose a lot,
or even all of your trust for them, and that is definitely a very bad thing.
Being truthful from one another from one another is extremely important because
it leads to trust. Trust between two people is also a very important thing for
any relationship, friendship, or anything like that. Any ship. Truth is not
only not telling lies and saying bad things, but truth is also saying whatever
it is that is relevant, and not withholding information. Keeping information is
not being honest. It is not lying, but not being honest, and not telling the
complete truth, which is once again, crucial for every friendship or
is the key to success in any relationship with people. One time I lied to my
parents and it was really bad. I lied over something to try to not get in
trouble and I hoped they would never find out about it, but they did find out
about it and they were not even that mad. They were mad that I lied though.
That made them more mad than what I did because they stress how important
honesty is. They say that honesty is one of the most important things in life,
and since I lied, especially since they were my parents, they were really mad
and upset and disappointed. It was not good. If I had just told them what I did
then they would not have lost any trust for me but since I lied to them and was
dishonest, they lost trust for me and respect as well.
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