Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meaning of Life

So the topic for this time is the meaning of life. What do I believe about the meaning of life? Well, life is a precious thing and I've never really thought about something like this. Life is just something that is, and I never really thought about why we were put on this Earth. I have wondered sometimes, but never actually had deep thoughts and philosophied the reasons we were put here. Sometimes I wonder how we were even chosen to be put on this Earth. I wonder if there is a God that created all of us and put us here on this beautiful planet for a reason to praise him and worship him, or we were just a coincident of all matter like the big bang and created life. Sometimes I think we are here because God put us here for a reason, but sometimes I think we are just coincidental parts of matter all put together and there is not really a reason we are on this Earth. We just are. There is no reason for us to be living, but we just are, and we have to live and survive.
Then sometimes again I believe again that we are put on this Earth for a distinct reason. Maybe that reason is to teach someone something or to do something great for the world. It's like when I think of certain important people in history like Martin Luther King Jr. He was put on this Earth to lead the blacks out of slavery. That was his reason in life.
I dont know my reason for being on this Earth, or at least, I don't know yet. I feel like I'm on this Earth for a greater reason than just being alive. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something more, but I dont know what it is yet. I never think about these things. The meaning of life is to do drugs and be happy. Live young and wild and free. The meaning of life is in this song I know entitled Young Wild and Free.
  Young, Wild, and Free --> [So what we get drunk, so what we smoke weed, we just having fun, we don't care who sees. So what we go out, thats how its supposed to be, living young and wild and free.] This means right now, just forget about our reason and stop thinking why we're on this Earth. Just right now, I'm young and in high school, and I shouldn't be worrying and thinking so much about life, just having fun not worrying about a thing. Just have fun now and I'll worry about everything else when I'm older and need to. Its prime time in the golden age of high school just have fun! don't need to stress about this stuff yet. Worrying for nothing. Now is the time to be free and just have fun. Some people say he meaning of life is 42, but I dont really get that . I just dont understand where people get the number 42.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The blog this time is  about Art. What is Art. What do I believe art. I believe art can take place in many different shapes sizes and forms. When someone hears the word art, the thing that usually comes to mind is a painting, or a drawing , or a picture. Something like the Mona Lisa or Picasso pop up into their mind. Some more advanced people think of art in certain different ways. Instead of Pablo Picasso or some other famous painter, they might think of a symphony composer, like Beethoven. Some people may even think of people like one direction, or Justin Bieber when they think of art… After all, they are called artists. In my opinion though, real art is whatever it is that people can appreciate. If someone can appreciate the Mona Lisa, then it is art. If someone can appreciate and see the beauty in the Beatles and their music, then their music is art. If someone can appreciate a pile of garbage and say the smell and way the trash arranged is beautiful and it has meaning to them, it is art to them. Some people, like me for example, hate One Direction or Justin Beiber and their music, and do not appreciate or see the beauty in it. It is definitely not art… to me at least. In other things though, I appreciate, like certain good books. Small steps, or holes for example. Those are really good books that I appreciate and understand and see the value in them. This is art to me. Other people might just see them as letters on a paper that don’t mean anything and aren’t valueable at all except for the paper and ink that were used to make the book, but to me it has value and meaning, and that’s why its art to me. This is only one example. The book is a piece of art by Louis Sachar, and I can see it.
                There are many different types of art though. There is the traditional view of art we see, as paintings and drawings and pictures and caricatures. There is art in the sense of music. The art of music and the art of the piano, or the guitar. There is the art of speech, how people talk and persuade or get a point across. There is the art of the English language, that many people are interested in. The art of war, yes some people do appreciate and see the value of war. There is actually a good book titled the art of war. There is the art of competition, in sports, or anything else. There are many different types of art, besides just the traditional types that we see, like paintings and such.     

                After all of this, explaining all these different types of art, I hope you learned something, and now see things in a new light, in my perspective. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean its not art, and art can be many different things you never thought of. Art comes in many different forms, and something that is valuable and artful to you, may not be artful to someone else. A pile of trash can art to someone, while a golden Porche 911 wouldn’t be art to someone else. Our different views in things make so many things art, and so many things, not art. Even the Mona Lisa might not be art to certain people who don’t know how to appreciate it. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Well, its time for the next blog again, and this time it’s about justice. Justice.Justice.Justice. What is justice? Justice is doing the right thing. Justice is correctness. Justice, according to the dictionary of is  the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness. Or the moral concept of determining what is just and lawful. There are a few different ways of determining justice, but then a few are probably better than another. For an example one would be why someone always wears a hat backwards. They could say, its correct that’s why they do it. But why is it correct? They might say because of authority. They could say that their dad told them that was how you do it so that’s how they’ve always wore their hat, and that may be true. Their dad might have told them to wear their hat like that, but it doesn’t make it correct to wear it that way. The next way to determine justice, if something is correct or not, would be democracy. This is basically like peer pressure. The majority, or a large number of people do it that way, so therefore it is correct to wear my hat backwards. They might say, I wear my hat this way because all my friends wear their hat this way, so it must be right. This is just peer pressure, just because a majority or a lot of people are doing something, that does not make it correct. An example would be, a lot of people smoke or a lot of people drink, but that definitely does not making smoking or drinking right. One more way to decide on justice is tradition. This is good in many cases, but some cases, traditions aren’t very good. There are such things as unreasonable, dumb traditions. If they say, because all my father’s side males wore the hat backwards like this, so I am following the tradition of what they do. This does not necessarily make it correct. It follows their tradition, but who’s to say their father or their grandfather was right. No one. There are some traditions that are dumb and useless too, like a tradition in the American government every single Thanksgiving. They have to bring a turkey to the president, a live turkey. The president then has to use a knife and slaughter the poor animal to make the feast. A thanksgiving feast, and the tradition is to have the president whack off the head of a turkey. This is an example of a tradition that is not really smart and is pretty dumb actually. Just because the government has always done this does not mean that they are right.

                There is one other last way to determine justice. It is someone deciding what is right. We all should have rational minds and we decide what is right or wrong. This is probably not a very good way to determine because although we know a lot, we don’t know everything and we could be wrong. This is not very reliable. The best way of these four to me, would probably be authority. This could fail in ways because the authority is dumb and incompetent, but it would still be correct in most cases.


Truth. This is the beginning of my next series. What I believe about in truth, justice, beauty, meaning of life, and art. The first is truth. Now… what do I believe about truth. Truth is one of the most important things in a good person. It is alongside integrity and honesty. It is essential to have the virtuous trait of honesty and being able to tell the truth in order to be a well-respected, successful, person.
                I believe that everyone is born good and innocent and why they only learn to do bad. They are born with the ability and want to tell the truth and to do the right thing, but the world we live in is corrupt and as we grow, we learn bad things, like lying and being dishonest, not telling the truth. That is why kids are so much better, nicer, and more honest than older people and adults. Of course there are adults howerever that know how to overcome the desire to lie or do bad, and are just as truthful and honest as a good kid would be, but not everyone is like that. There are exceptions for everything, just as this. Truth is a crucial part in everyone’s life, especially from the people whome you love and are close with. If someone is dishonest and lies to you, you can lose a lot, or even all of your trust for them, and that is definitely a very bad thing. Being truthful from one another from one another is extremely important because it leads to trust. Trust between two people is also a very important thing for any relationship, friendship, or anything like that. Any ship. Truth is not only not telling lies and saying bad things, but truth is also saying whatever it is that is relevant, and not withholding information. Keeping information is not being honest. It is not lying, but not being honest, and not telling the complete truth, which is once again, crucial for every friendship or relationship.
                Truth is the key to success in any relationship with people. One time I lied to my parents and it was really bad. I lied over something to try to not get in trouble and I hoped they would never find out about it, but they did find out about it and they were not even that mad. They were mad that I lied though. That made them more mad than what I did because they stress how important honesty is. They say that honesty is one of the most important things in life, and since I lied, especially since they were my parents, they were really mad and upset and disappointed. It was not good. If I had just told them what I did then they would not have lost any trust for me but since I lied to them and was dishonest, they lost trust for me and respect as well.